The BioBlitz concept - a collaborative race against the clock to discover as many species of plants, animals and fungi as possible, within a set location, over a defined time period - is adapted by the SCPW for wetlands ecosystems. The Wetland Bioblitz include Rapid Assessment on Wetland Ecosystems Services (RAWES), data on water quality, hydrology, fauna or avifauna, fauna, and flora.

National Wetlands Action Plan
National Wetlands Action Plan This National Wetlands Action Plan for the Philippines is the guiding document for the Philippines to promote and implement strategies and actions for the conservation and wise use of its wetlands, incorporating urgent concerns such as

Youth Stewards for Wetlands
The Youth remains one of the most important wetland stakeholders. They embody idealism and the future. They will be the country’s future leaders. Targeting the youth as the focus of intervention is a long-term investment but is very strategic. They

World Wetlands Day Celebrations
February 2 of every year, the Society for the Conservation of Philippine Wetlands, Inc. (SCPW) celebrates with the entire planet the World Wetlands Day. It marks the date of the signing of the Convention on Wetlands on 02 February 1971 in
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Events in Focus

10th Asian Wetlands Symposium
Program Registration Call for Abstracts Venue About AWS This symposium provides a regional platform for the discussion of mainstreaming wetland conservation and wise use across all sectors of the society as a contribution to the implementation of the Ramsar Convention
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Macabebe Wetland Center – 4th SCPW Wetland Center Design Competition
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Wetland News
- 10th Asian Wetland Symposium Program Book
- SCPW joins the 3rd Sustainability Leadership Journey in South Africa
- SCPW Conducts Learning Event on Sustainable Farm Tourism in Candaba, Pampanga
- PLM Tops the SCPW 4th Wetland Center Design Competition
- SCPW and Local Partners Embark on Learning Visit to Guandu Nature Park
- The SCPW Wetland School has officially launched!
- PLM, NU & UST are Finalists for the Macabebe Wetland Center Design Competition!
- The 10th Asian Wetland Symposium Website is Launched!
- Call for Abstracts – The 10th Asian Wetland Symposium (2024, Metro Manila Philippines)
- Asian Development Bank (ADB) in soon to rise Paligui Wetland Educational Center!
- SCPW Joins LPPWP in Celebrating 11th Anniversary as a Ramsar Site
- SCPW Showcases Constructed Wetlands as Nature-based Solution for Treating Wastewater at the World Water Day Exhibit 2024
- The 2-day Design Boot Camp at the Las Piñas-Parañaque Wetland Park!
- WEBINAR ON WETLAND CONSERVATION: A Learning Event for Cognizant Technology Solutions Philippines, Inc. (CTSPI)
- 4th Wetland Center Design Competition: Site Visit (Macabebe, Pampanga)
- The 4th SCPW Wetland Center Design Competition Orientation has taken flight!
- SCPW facilitates Learning Visit for Architectural School of London and University of Sto. Tomas College of Architecture at Las Piñas – Parañaque Wetland Park
- MOA signing for the Establishment of Sustainable Farm Tourism in Paligui Wetlands, Candaba, Pampanga
- The 10th Asian Wetland Symposium
- Caring for Wetlands, Caring for Me: A CSR Activity of MUFG Bank Philippines
Living Lakes Biodiversity and Climate Project
LLBC: The Paligui Wetland Center
Message of Sen. Cynthia A. Villar on the 20th Anniversary of the SCPW
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Recent Projects
The Society is engaged in activities that promote the wise use and conservation of Philippine Wetlands. For the past year we have been working throughout the Philippines in increasing the awareness of the benefits healthy wetlands have on people's health, livelihood, and even disaster resiliency. Explore our recent projects on the right and get to know our work!