About the 10th Asian Wetland Symposium
The Asian Wetland Symposium (AWS) was conceptualized and first held in 1992 as a regional platform for wetland stakeholders. Since then, the AWS has been held every three years, providing opportunities to diverse target groups such as decision and policy makers, academicians, researchers, wetland managers and practitioners, the youth and non-governmental organizations to share and learn from mutual knowledge and practical experience on the conservation, sustainable management, and wise use of wetlands in Asia.
Ramsar Resolution IX.19 (2005) further recognized the role of AWS in supporting regional cooperation and networking of wetland stakeholders, which include national and local governments, NGOs, experts, local communities, and the general public in Asia.
Over the last 25 years, the symposium stands as a platform for diverse wetland stakeholders to convene and share knowledge and experience on wetland conservation and wise use including scientific studies and CEPA activities.
On 25-28 November 2024, the Society for the Conservation of Philippine Wetlands Inc. (SCPW), Ramsar Regional Center – East Asia (RRC-EA), and Ramsar Center Japan (RCJ) are organizing the 10th Asian Wetland Symposium (AWS10) with theme “Wetland-based Solutions” in Manila, Philippines in collaboration with the Japan Wetland Society and Wetlands International – Japan.

- raise awareness, understanding and appreciation of Nature-based Solutions, particularly those specific to wetlands;
- share initiatives, strategies and approaches related to Wetland-based Solutions;
- expand networks among Ramsar Sites and wetland managers, wetland schools, Wetland Cities, and other wetland stakeholders in Asia;
- enhance youth engagement in the conservation and wise use of wetlands; and
- identify the major components of a Strategic Plan on Wetland-based Solutions in Asia.
AWS10 aims to mainstream wetland conservation and wise use across all sectors of the society as a contribution to the implementation of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and its strategic plan, achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the action-oriented global targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The 10th Asian Wetland Symposium shall:
Previous Asian Wetland Symposiums
9th Asian Wetland Symposium: Voice of Asia: Changes, challenges, and successful practices

The Asian Wetland Symposium (AWS) is a ‘regional forum for all’ that provides opportunities to diverse target groups to share and learn mutual knowledge, wisdom and practical experience on the conservation, wise use and sustainable management of wetlands in Asia. It brings together a wide range of wetland stakeholders such as policymakers, managers, practitioners, donors, promoters, academicians, researchers and students from both the government and non-government sectors.
AWS9 aims to promote mainstreaming of wetland conservation and wise use across all sectors of the society as a contribution to the implementation of the Ramsar Strategic Plan 2016-2024 and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Specifically, the symposium shall:
- share skills, traditional knowledge, techniques and methods, good practices and lessons learned from the conservation and wise use of wetlands in Asia;
- compile strategies and approaches for realizing wise use of Ramsar Sites and other wetlands;
- expand networks among Ramsar Site and wetland managers and stakeholders in Asia;
- enhance international cooperation and partnership on wetland conservation in the region;
- contribute to Ramsar COP14, particularly in support of the implementation of the Ramsar Strategic Plan 2016-2024 and CEPA Programme 2016-2024, by reporting good practices of wise use of wetlands in Asia; and
- enhance involvement of the next generation in conservation and wise use of wetlands.
8th Asian Wetland Symposium: Wetlands for Sustainable Life

This symposium provides a single platform for discussions among various sectors including national and local governments, NGOs, scientific experts, the private sector, and local and indigenous peoples engaged in wetland management.
Asian Wetland Symposium (AWS) is a ‘regional forum for all’ that provides opportunities to diverse target groups, such as policymakers, managers, NGOs, donors, promoters, academicians, researchers, practitioners and students, to share and learn mutual knowledge, wisdom and practical experience on conservation, sustainable management and wise use of wetlands in Asia.
Following the first AWS that was held in Otsu and Kushiro, Japan in October 1992, the symposium has been held in Malaysia, India, Vietnam, China, and Cambodia, and this AWS Saga 2017 is the 8th meeting of the symposium. As the year 2017 marks the 25th anniversary of the first AWS, it is a good opportunity to review the record of conservation and wise use of wetlands in Asia for the past quarter century. This will lead to the discussion of how we should achieve the sustainable management of the indispensable wetland ecosystems in the coming quarter century and beyond.
The 6th meeting of Wetland Link International Asia will be jointly held with AWS on 11 November 2017.
7th Asian Wetland Symposium: Ramsar Pre-COP12 Asia Regional Meeting
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Website Reference / Archived Website
The Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Ramsar Convention Secretariat, Wetlands International Japan and Ramsar Center Japan host the Asian Wetland Symposium (AWS)/Ramsar Pre-COP12 Asia Regional Meeting (RARM) at Apsara Angkor Resort and Conference in Siem Reap from 3 to 7 November 2014.
This meeting is to prepare for COP12 of the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971), to be held in June 2015, in Punta del Este, Uruguay.
The Ramsar Pre-COP12 Asia Regional Meeting (RARM) is an important opportunity to review progress on implementing the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands prior to the 12th Conference of Parties (COP12) to the Convention which will be held in Uruguay, in June 2015. RARM will also allow discussion and development of regional inputs into the Draft Resolutions that will be presented at COP12.
Representatives from Ramsar Contracting Parties in the Asia Region are expected to be present at the meeting. Observers are also welcomed, including non-Contracting Parties to the Convention, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as wetland experts and other stakeholders. The working language of the Regional Meeting will be English.
Development and encouragement of linkages between the Ramsar Pre-COP Regional Meetings and regional wetland fora were requested to the Ramsar Secretariat and the Standing Committee by Resolution IX. 19. Therefore, it was decided that the Asian Wetland Symposium would be organized jointly with the Ramsar Pre-COP12 Asia Regional Meeting in 2014. This joint meeting aims to gather practical inputs from various sectors on the Draft Resolutions that will be presented to COP12.