- About the 10th Asian Wetland Symposium
The Asian Wetland Symposium (AWS) was conceptualized and first held in 1992 as a regional platform for wetland stakeholders. Since then, the AWS has been held every three years, providing opportunities to diverse target groups such as decision and policymakers, academicians, researchers, wetland managers and practitioners, the youth, and non-governmental organizations to share and learn from mutual knowledge and practical experience on the conservation, sustainable management, and wise use of wetlands in Asia.Ramsar Resolution IX.19 (2005) further recognized the role of AWS in supporting regional cooperation and networking of wetland stakeholders, which include national and local governments, NGOs, experts, local communities, and the general public in Asia.
Over the last 25 years, the symposium has stood as a platform for diverse wetland stakeholders to convene and share knowledge and experience on wetland conservation and wise use including scientific studies and CEPA activities.
On 25-28 November 2024, the Society for the Conservation of Philippine Wetlands Inc. (SCPW), Ramsar Regional Center – East Asia (RRC-EA), and Ramsar Center Japan (RCJ) are organizing the 10th Asian Wetland Symposium (AWS10) with the theme “Wetland-based Solutions” in Manila, Philippines in collaboration with the Japan Wetland Society and Wetlands International – Japan.
- Objectives
AWS10 aims to mainstream wetland conservation and wise use across all sectors of society as a contribution to the implementation of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and its strategic plan, achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the action-oriented global targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Specifically, the symposium shall:• raise awareness, understanding, and appreciation of Nature-based Solutions, particularly those specific to wetlands;• share initiatives, strategies, and approaches related to Wetland-based Solutions;• expand networks among Ramsar Sites and wetland managers, wetland schools, Wetland Cities, and other wetland stakeholders in Asia;• enhance youth engagement in the conservation and wise use of wetlands; and• identify the major components of a Strategic Plan on Wetland-based Solutions in Asia. - Target participants
The symposium welcomes participants from all sectors of society engaged in wetland management and conservation including policymakers; regional, national, and local government authorities; civil society organizations; academic institutions; indigenous and local communities; and the business sector. - Venue
AWS10 will be held at the Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria Hotel in Ortigas Ave. corner ADB Ave., Quezon City, Philippines. - Meeting structure
AWS10 is a four-day event that will feature keynote presentations, plenary sessions, parallel sessions, side events, poster sessions, and a field trip to three wetlands in the Philippines: the Candaba Wetlands; Panguil River Eco-Park in Laguna de Bay; and the Las Pinas-Paranaque Wetland Park– a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance in Manila Bay. Side events will be open to partners who intend to promote and discuss activities with focused themes. - Types of presentations
• Oral presentation: Authors will have opportunities to present their work and research activities in the sessions with 20-minute time slots.• Poster presentation: Poster sessions will be arranged within a designated area allowing authors to display their work and research activities through posters on panels.Topics1. Wetlands and climate change adaptation and mitigation2. Wetland restoration3. Wetlands Biodiversity4. Conservation and wise use of wetlands5. Wetlands and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)6. Wetland education in the formal education sector (wetland schools)7. Innovations in CEPA approaches8. Nature-positive economy and wetlands9. Regional review of draft resolutions for Ramsar COP15 (Ramsar National Focal Points)10. Wetlands and sustainable built environmentProcess for presentationsi. Submission– Written in English, 500-600 words, within the given topics– Online submission (https://tinyurl.com/10thAWSAbstract)– Abstract form (https://tinyurl.com/AWSAbstractForm)ii. Evaluation and notification– ISC will review the abstracts– Notification will be made on timeiii. Registration– All presenters are required to register for the symposium (online registration)– Submit the presentation file by the given deadline– Poster guidelines (size and display guidelines)
- Registration fee
Registration fees will be announced in July 2024. It includes full access to all sessions, coffee breaks, and conference materials including a bag, name badge, and program book. An additional fee is required for the field visit on 27 November 2024. Please note that travel/health insurance is the responsibility of participants.
- Field trip
The organizers arranged 3 courses of field trips for registered participants. The registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The field trip sites are as follows:• Candaba Wetlands (Barangay Paligui, Candaba, Pampanga)• Pangil River Eco-Park (Pangil, Laguna)• Las Piñas – Parañaque Wetland Park (Cities of Las Piñas and Parañaque along Manila Bay)Details on the field trip program will be posted on the AWS10 website (http://www.wetlands/AWS10.ph) and on SCPW social media platforms.
- Side events
During the lunch break of the Symposium, rooms are available for side events. Organizations interested in hosting side events may apply by sending a proposal to the AWS National Organizing Committee• Apply for side event (online application will open in June 2024)• Selection and notification by July 2024
- Exhibition
The organizers will allocate space in the meeting venue for participants interested in bringing exhibit materials.• Apply for exhibition (online application will open in June 2024)• Exhibition guidelines (to follow)
- Important dates
• Abstract submission: 01 May – 15 June 2024• Open Side event and exhibition registration: 01 June 2024• Abstract review and selection: June 2024• Notification of abstract/side event/exhibition selection: July 2024• Presenter registration: July-August 2024• Submission of final version of abstracts: September 2024• Deadline for oral presentation material submission: October 2024• Early bird registration for participants: June -August 2024• Regular registration for participants: August – November 2024