The Asian Regional Workshop on the Management of Wetlands and East Asian – Australasian Flyway Sites aimed to enhance the management capacities of wetland site managers through sharing and documentation of lessons learned and best practices in the conservation of wetlands of international importance, and of migratory waterbirds and their habitats. At the 4-day event, paper presentations, field exposure visits and workshops were designed to explore and share learning experiences and whenever possible, provide models from all over the Region that will help wetland managers in doing their work well.
more about the Workshop >>
23 September 2013 |
Arrival of Participants |
24 September 2013 |
Day 1 |
• Welcome Remarks
Dr. Candido Cabrido, Jr.
President, Society for the Conservation of Philippine Wetlands
Dr. Jae Yuh Ko
CEO, Gyeongsangnamdo Ramsar Environmental Foundation
• Keynote Message
Mr. Ramon JP. Paje
Secretary, Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources
(delivered by Ms. Analiza Teh
Undersecretary, Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources)
• Overview of the Workshop
Dr. Theresa Mundita Lim
Director, Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau – DENR
National Focal Point, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
National Focal Point, East Asian – Australasian Flyway Partnership
(delivered by Ms. Marlynn M. Mendoza, Chief, Protected Area Community Management Division) |

Session 1: Feedback from participants
(Facilitator: Spike Millington, EAAFP)
Session 2: Introduction to the Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-based Assessment (TESSA)
(Facilitator: Ishana Thapa, BirdLife, Nepal)
Session 3: Overview of Wetland Conservation in Asia (a)
(Facilitator: Marlynn Mendoza, PAWB-DENR)
- Wetland Conservation for Migratory Waterbirds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (Stephen Millington, EAAFP Secretariat)
- The Conservation Management of Wetlands and Ramsar Sites (Lewellyn Young, Ramsar Secretariat)
- Importance of Urban Wetlands in a Changing World (Gea Jae Joo, RRC -EA, Pusan National University)
Welcome dinner (hosted by DENR – USAID B+WISER Program) |
25 September 2013 |
Day 2 |
Session 4: CEPA and community involvement
(Facilitator: Amy Lecciones, SCPW)
- The Ramsar CEPA Programme (Amy Lecciones, SCPW)
- Bhutan: Working with Local Communities on the proposed Wetland of International Importance (Kuenzang Om)
- Myanmar: Current CEPA Activities at Inlay Lake Wetland Sanctuary (Sein Tun)
- Myanmar: Wetland CEPA Experiences at Moeyungyi Wetland Wildlife Sanctuary (Khin Maung Hla)
- Indonesia: Conservation Education Programme for Local Communities at Sembilang National Park (Teguh Imansyah Martadijaya)
- CEPA Programmes at the EAAF Sites (EAAFP Secretariat)
- Philippines: Empowering Local Communities and Stakeholders in Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary Management (Rufino Miranda)
Questions and Discussion
Small Group Discussions |
Session 5: Management planning
(Facilitator: Raphael Glemet, IUCN – Lao PDR
- Lao PDR: Management Planning for a Ramsar Site (Raphael Glemet)
- Philippines: Working with Nature, Working with People (Rey Mauricio Aguinaldo)
- Bhutan: Developing Management Plans for Wetlands of International Importance (Sangay Drukpa)
- Philippines: Blueprint for Conservation: The Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park Management Plan (Angelique Songco)
- Nepal: Developing Wetland Management Plans for Rara Lake (Bhogendra Rayamajhi)
Questions and Discussion
Small Group Discussions |
Session 6: Overview of Wetland Conservation in Asia (b)
(Facilitator: Celestino Ulep, B+WISER Project)
- Work of the Ramsar Regional Centre – East Asia (Seung Oh Suh, Ramsar Regional Centre – East Asia)
- Regional Wetland Initiatives of the ASEAN Center for Biodiversity (Clarissa Arida, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity)
- Payment for Ecosystem Services for Wetland Ecosystems (Marian de los Angeles, DENR-USAID B+WISER Program)
Questions and Discussion |
26 September 2013 |
Day 3 |
Las Piñas – Parañaque Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area
(LPPCHEA) – Ramsar Site and proposed EAAFP site in Metro Manila |
Session 7: Management plan implementation
(Facilitator: Seung Oh Suh, RRC-EA)
• Korea: Success and Challenges in Wetland Management in Asia (Seung-Oh Suh)
Topic 7.1: Wetland management and waterbirds
- Cambodia: Conservation of Breeding Colonies of Large Waterbirds in PrekToal
Core Area, Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve (Long Lheng)
- Thailand: Waterbird Conservation Program in Hui Gorakhemaix Reservoir
Non-hunting Area (Chaiyaporn Tabtimthong)
- Cambodia: The Monitoring of Large Waterbirds at Prek Toal Core Area, Tonle
Sap Great Lake (Sun Visal)
- Russia: Waterbirds of South-Eastern Russia: Current Threats and Conservation Challenges –
Khingan Nature Reserve & Ganukan Refuge (Aleksei Antonov) and Daursky State Nature Biosphere
Reserve (Oleg Goroshko)
Questions and Discussion
Topic 7.2: Management of invasive species
- China: Spartina Conrol and Habitat Restoration in Shanghai Chongming ongtan National Nature Reserve (Weipin Chen)
- Indonesia: The Invasive Problems in Wasur National Park (Glen Eric Kangiras)
- Thailand: The Invasion of Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC in Wetland Central Regions of Thailand (Thammanoon Temchai)
Questions and Discussion
Topic 7.3: Other wetland management issues
- Malaysia: Study on Financing Mechanisms for the Management of National Ramsar (Danial Lee Bin Abdullah)
- Japan: Wise Use and Conservation in Lake Izunuma-Uchinuma (Shimada Tetsuo)
- Japan: Wetland Conservation in Urbanized Coast, Practical Report from Hakata Bay (Hiroshi Tomida)
- Bangladesh: Involving Mainstream Administration for Management of Wetland Perspective: Tanguar Haor Ramsar Site (Md Jafar Siddique)
- Mongolia: Impacts of Herder Livelihood on Waterbird Habitats in Mongol Daguur Strictly Protected Area and its Buffer Zone and Possible Solutions for Wetland Ecosystem Conservation (Delgermaa Badamseed)
- China: Local Community’s Participation Boosts Conservation of Nanji Wetland (Hu Binhua)
- Korea: Hwapochun-Wetland of Korea (YBaek)
- Nepal: Community Participation in Wetlands Management – Challenges and Learnings: A Case Study from Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve (Ashok Ram)
Questions and Discussion
Closing Dinner (hosted by Deutsche Gesellschaftfur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH) |
27 September 2013 |
Day 4 |
Session 8: Using the Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT)
(Facilitator: Raphael Glemet, IUCN – Lao PDR) |
Session 9a: Nomination of Sites to the EAAFP Flyway Site Network
(Facilitator: Judit Szabo, EAAFP Secretariat)Session 9b: Monitoring of Birds at Flyway Sites
(Facilitator: Judit Szabo, EAAFP Secretariat)
Session 10: Way Forward
(Facilitator: Lewellyn Young, Ramsar Secretariat)
Session 10: Way Forward
(Facilitator: Lewellyn Young, Ramsar Secretariat)
Closing remarks and presentation of workshop certificates |
Master of Ceremonies:
Jennifer Marie Sunga-Amparo and Carla Jimena of University of the Philippines – Los Baños

NOTE: Please, email us if you need a copy of the presentation.more about the Workshop >>