The SCPW Wetland School has officially opened with the launch of the Wetland School website!
The SCPW has established a “Wetland School” that makes SCPW materials available to the public and has conducted training on how to use them. Initially, the Wetland School will be a virtual hub that will provide methods and tools online and conduct virtual training on how to use some of them. In the future, the Wetland School will have its physical home where a more robust CEPA which includes capacity-building curriculum will be in place.

The website contains a learning resource primarily for CEPA but also for topics on wetland management, conservation, and others. Courses that will soon be available include: CEPA Training, Video-making boot camp, Wetlands BioBlitz, conducting SCPW Ecological Camps, Space Programming for Wetland Centers, and CEPA Tool: Conducting Online Seminars, and Conducting SCPW Ecological Camps. Users will be able to create their own student profile and learn about wetlands topics at their own pace. The pool of instructors comes from volunteers among the SCPW’s many experts and professionals in the field.
To learn more, visit the SCPW Wetland School website.
The SCPW Wetland School is supported by Ramsar Regional Center East Asia, Wetlands Link International and Primera.