The Lake and Its People:
Responsible Stewardship by Lake Communities
Sustainable Development of Densely Populated Lake Regions
The conference theme was centered on the interaction between the lake and its people and was focused on how communities in densely populated lake regions seek a balance between complex resource uses and sustainable development.
The Living Lakes Conference 2005 explored the role that communities play as responsible stewards of lake ecosystems in densely populated areas. The conference theme was addressed in relation to lakes and wetlands, in particular from the Living Lakes network, with the objective of developing strategies, tools and focused guidance in sound lake stewardship that are based on shared experiences and best practice.
Every community has a role to play in the overall stewardship of the lake. In the Laguna de Bay region, this is underscored by the involvement of the local government units (LGUs), the River Basin Councils, the Non- Government Organizations, the academe, the women and youth, and most importantly, the business sector in the planning and implementation of lake stewardship projects.
In densely populated lake regions, stewardship is directed towards achieving a balance between economic use and ecological concerns. Many of the world’s lake regions, especially in developing countries, experienced rapid degradation due to multiple conflicting resource uses. Lake regions are usually the nexus of economic activities and thus are oftentimes sites of uncontrolled in-migration resulting to areas of high population density.
Lake areas with high population density face many challenges in terms of maintaining or improving lake water quality, averting overexploitation of resources, controlling pollution and developing reasonable land and water use plans.

The invited experts and members of the Living Lakes Network elucidated and discussed the topics of concern using case studies. The conference called on communities, institutions and organizations, which are engaged in the conservation of lakes and development of lake regions, to direct their collective effort towards responsible lake stewardship.
Living Lakes Conference 2005
15 – 19 May 2005
Taal Vista Hotel
Tagaytay City, Philippines
17-18 May 205

Keynote Address
The Keynote Speakers were Prof Dr Manfred Niekisch, Vice President of the German League for Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection, Germany and Honorable Michael Defensor, Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Philippines.
Session 1:
Issues on Lake Stewardship: Legislation and Legal Framework
for Managing Lake Communities
- Briefing on the State of Laguna de Bay
Edgardo C. Manda, Laguna Lake Development Authority, Philippines - The Concept of Water Quality Management Areas
Dolora N. Nepomuceno, Laguna Lake Development Authority, Philippines - Constituency Building and Protected Areas Management Board – Taal Lake
Ma. Paz Luna, PUSOD, Taal Lake, Philippines
Session 2:
Communities as Effective Lake Stewards
- Laguna de Bay Institutional Strengthening and Community Participation Project
Jose Cariño, Laguna Lake Development Authority, Philippines - Environmental Management for Local Communities: How can it work?
Marion Hammerl-Resch, Lake Constance Foundation, Germany - The Laguna de Bay River Basin Councils: Industry Perspective
Tess Cayton, San Cristobal River Enhancement Defenders (SACRED), Philippines

Session 3:
Sustainable Development in Lake Communities
- Water Governance: The ICLEI Water Campaign
Victorino Aquitania (for Pam Gallares-Oppus), ICLEI, Philippines - Tourism Development and Environmental Land-Use Planning: The Mallorca Experience
Toni Font, Balearic Group of Ornithology and Defense of Nature (GOB), Spain

Session 4:
Best Practices in Lake Stewardship
- Protecting Lakes from Urban Water Pollution with Sewerage Systems
Shinji Ide, Kosho Net, Japan - Natural Biological Treatment Systems: Artificially Floating Macrophyte Filters
Eduardo de Miguel, Fundación Global Nature, Spain
- Protecting the Mahakam Lakes in East Kalimantan Through an Eco-Regional Development Program for Sustainable Livelihoods
Dr Sumaryono, Mahakam Wetlands, RASI Conservation Foundation, Indonesia - Environmental User Fee System
Ceasar Natividad, Laguna Lake Development Authority, Philippines
- The Pasig River Master Plan for Rehabilitation
Bingle Gutierrez, Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission, Philippines
Session 5:
Tangible Examples of Water and Lake Stewardship from the Corporate Sector
- Leveraging United nations Millenium Development Goals to Drive the Clean Water Agenda
Howard Belton, Unilever Philippines - Green Choice Philippines: The National Eco-Labeling Programme
June Alvarez, Green Choice Philippines
Workshop Groups and Forum (parallel):
Sustainable Development in Practice – Finding a Compromise
Topic 1: Water for Cities Versus Water for Lake Ecosystems?
Francisco Arellano, Maynilad Water Services, Inc., Philippines
(Facilitator: Adelina Santos- Borja, Laguna Lake Development Authority, Philippines)
Topic 2: Rural Development – Regulating Urban Growth and Settlements
Obiero Ong’ang’a, Lake Victoria, OSIENALA, Kenya
(Facillitator: Jose Cariño, Laguna Lake Development Authority, Philippines)
Topic 3: Corporate Social Responsibility – Model Strategies and Projects
Virgilio Q. Marcelo, San Roque Power Corporation, Philippines
(Facilitator: Jika Mendoza-Dalupan, Unilever – Philippines)
Topic 4: Examples for Environmental Initiatives of Business Companies
Frank Schad, Karcher, Germany
(Facilitator: Liza Antonio, Philippine Business for Environment, Philippines)
Youth Forum
(Facilitators: Che Prudente and Mon Romero, Society for the Conservation of Philippine Wetlands, Philippines)
Reporting of Workshop Outputs (Plenary)