Youth-in-Action for Disaster Risk Preparedness and Reduction:
Resilience and Adaptation Strategies by the Youth
The project endeavored to help reduce the disaster risks faced by the municipalities of Mabitac, Pila and Rizal through increased community participation and youth involvement. It is being implemented through United Nations – World Food Programme’s Disaster Preparedness and Response Programme in the province of Laguna.
to know more about the project >>
Attendance to the Youth Congress
A Youth Congress was held on 11-12 October 2014 at the Sierra Madre Resort in Tanay, Rizal to provide a venue for the representatives of various eco-camper groups to come together to report on their action plans and plan for activities for the ensuing year. Five representatives from each group – Mabitac, Pila and Rizal were selected to attend the event.
The Youth Congress has been held annually since 2005 and it has been effective in sustaining the projects and the enthusiasm of the youth in pursuing their identified projects. It is a 2-day event which includes a learning session on the current issues confronting Laguna de Bay including DRR and CCAM, a field exposure activity, and annual reporting and planning sessions.

For more photos of the event, visit 9th CLEAR Youth Network Congress.